So at the time when everyone was reading The Bride Stripped Bare, I stayed well clear. However with my ability to concentrate at an all time low, I decided to borrow it and give it a go. Maybe it would be so abysmal it would be worth it just for the laughs. So, three years after everyone else, I'm able to pass comment.
I was surprised by the novel. It's readable, it tries to be literary, and it does sometimes articulate some truths about relationships. There are many things that annoy me, not least of which is the use of second person. Yes, it makes the reader feel more involved in the action, but it's also very clunky and intrusive. The more descriptive passages are sometimes too self-conscious, but sometimes they work. After describing the central character's vivacious best friend, Theo, Gemmell writes:
When alongside Theo you feel pale, like a leaf left in the water, bleached of colour and life.
Descriptions like these are where Gemmell is at her strongest; she understands how women relate to each other and how relationships (sometimes) function.
But then it all gets a bit silly. The central character embarks on an affair with a young man who is a virgin. When she tries to end that relationship, she is compelled to proposition a taxi driver (and his friends) not once, but twice. As a woman, this situation was ridiculous even as a fantasy but to translate it into action was simply not believable. I can't a believe that the character would really have placed herself in such danger and done it in such a casual manner. The situation seems like a male, not female, fantasy which undermines Gemmell's attempt to articulate the needs of women. The bookending of the novel with the mysterious disappearance of the author and her baby was similarly silly.
If Gemmell had put less effort into being 'shocking' and 'risque' and spent more time considering the relationships and issues in young womens' lives this novel might have been more enjoyable. And I might have felt less embarrassed confessing that I had read it.
I too was pretty embarrassed to read this book, but would love to hear your thoughts.
Do you think she killed herself at the end of the novel or ran away with Gabriel? Any other theories?
I related quite strongly to the personal discomfort that the woman experienced in relationship to her husband, and to her own sexuality, found myself nodding along with the slights of thought and emotion that were expressed through the book. I'm impressed that Nicki Gemmel was able to focus in on these thoughts that most people are so skilled at concealing from even themselves. I feel inspired to face my responses to my own relationships and my own sexuality more honestly.
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