Saturday, September 01, 2007

Spring Fair

The husband and I were on our way to the farmers' market this morning when we got waylaid by our local primary school's spring fair. They were selling second hand books at $2 a pop. I couldn't resist and picked up the following:

- The White Lioness Henning Mankell: I've heard lots of good things about this Swedish crime writer. This is one of his Kurt Wallender novels.
- A Room of One's Own Virginia Woolf: Progress has stalled on my reading of Mrs Dalloway but I'm determined to pick it up again and then I plan on reading more of her work. A Room of One's Own might be a good place to go next.
- The Girl at the Lion D'Or Sebastian Faulks: I know absolutley nothing about this one except that I've heard other bloggers rave about Faulks' work.
- Rosie Little's Cautionary Tale for Girls Danielle Wood: A kind of grown-up fairy tale from what I can gather. I remember this getting good reviews when it was released. It's an Australian novel, written in Tasmania, a state that seems to be producing lots of interesting writers at the moment.

What with the books and some really good pancakes with maple syrup and whipped butter that I just had to buy, we never made it to the market. A morning well spent though, I think!

I've just finished Philip Roth's American Pastoral and am currently getting my head around what to say about it. Suffice to say, I loved it and am just thinking of how to capture some of its sprawl and scale in a review.


Rebecca H. said...

I love A Room of One's Own; I think it's one of the best Woolf things to read. Enjoy your new books!

jess said...

Thanks Dorothy! I'm really looking forward to A Room of One's Own.